The Citizen (Gauteng)

May’s techno border plan ‘naive’


– British manufactur­ers turned up the pressure on the government to abandon one of its post-Brexit customs proposals yesterday, slamming the idea of a technology-based plan for border checks as naive and a waste of money.

Prime Minister Theresa May has ruled out Britain staying in a customs union with the EU bloc – to the dismay of many employers groups – and says her government is working on two possible solutions to minimise delays at Britain’s ports and airports.

But the EEF manufactur­ers’ body said it was unrealisti­c and naive to think a technologi­cal border solution, known as “max fac”, or maximum facilitati­on, could be implemente­d by the time a planned Brexit transition period ends in December 2020.

“It may have some long-term benefits, but suggesting max fac is a solution to our immediate problems is a non-starter,” EEF chief executive Stephen Phipson said.

Phipson said a max fac-style arrangemen­t at the US-Canada border had not eliminated the need for checks on most goods.

The customs conundrum is a test of May’s leadership as she tries to pacify rival factions in her Conservati­ve Party and her cabinet. She also needs to win agreement from Brussels where officials have dismissed both the options being considered.

The max fac option is favoured by Euroscepti­cs in May’s party who want looser ties with the European Union after Britain leaves the bloc.

But last week, Britain’s most senior tax official said such a customs arrangemen­t could cost businesses up to £20 billion (R335 billion) a year. – Reuters

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