The Citizen (Gauteng)

Mngxitama in dire need of a history lesson


His continual blaming of whites for SA’s mutitude of woes is becoming boring, writes John.

Isometimes wonder whether Andile Mngxitama has realised that South Africa has been under black rule since 1994. His continual blaming of whites for SA’s multitude of problems is now becoming very stale, unoriginal and boring.

His complete lack of knowledge of South African history is blatantly evident in his comment regarding Ruth First and her husband Joe Slovo – that they were “involved in a project to save white supremacy”.

Completely idiotic and utter hogwash. This just goes to show his refusal to acknowledg­e anything done by whites, even those who were involved in the “struggle”.

First’s parents helped to establish the Communist Party of SA.

She and Slovo were among those to be named under the Suppressio­n of Communist Act.

She was also involved in the organising of the Congress of the People, and with Slovo, served on the drafting committee of the Freedom Charter.

They were both arrested and charged with treason.

First was held in solitary confinemen­t for 117 days. She was later killed by a letter bomb in Maputo, Mozambique.

Slovo was one of the founders of Umkhonto we Sizwe, and was secretary of the SA Communist Party during the 1980s.

Perhaps Mngxitama should heed the advice of former US president Abe Lincoln: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

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