The Citizen (Gauteng)

‘I’m the rightful Zim president’



Party leader says he will consult Cyril Ramaphosa to help MDC-Alliance.

Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)-Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa remains adamant that he is the true president of Zimbabwe and claims he now has clear evidence that the ruling Zanu-PF stole the election with the help of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

In a tweet yesterday, he said, “I’ve just finished going thru the evidence per our agents & V11 forms from across Zimbabwe. We WON this election emphatical­ly. ZEC’s figures are falsified & inflated in favour of the outgoing President. We are ready for the inaugurati­on & formation of the next gvt #Godisinit.” Chamisa has considered himself the rightful winner from before elections even took place.

On Friday, he insisted that he won the country’s landmark election, calling the official results “fraudulent, illegal, illegitima­te and characteri­sed by serious credibilit­y gaps”.

“We won this election and we’re ready to form the next government,” Chamisa told a press conference, after Zanu-PF President Emmerson Mnangagwa was declared victor with 50.8% of the vote.

Zimbabwean riot police had earlier entered Harare’s Bronte Hotel on Friday to break up the press conference. However, the press conference was eventually allowed to go ahead.

Chamisa alleged that the vote rigging this time was “poorer” than under Robert Mugabe. “The numbers don’t add up. Mugabe was at least sophistica­ted.”

He referred to Mnangagwa as the “outgoing president”, and said that according to his party observers, the MDC-Alliance had won as much as 56% of the vote. The official result put the party at 44.3%.

Chamisa told reporters he would not attend Mnangagwa’s inaugurati­on.

The 40-year-old lawyer said the party would be challengin­g a number of election results. It had taken legal advice on doing so. He was not yet prepared to reveal all his evidence. The party was yet to go to court, though.

Chamisa added he was in the process of getting in touch with President Cyril Ramaphosa to step in and help them. – AFP and Citizen reporter

We won and we’re ready to form government.

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