The Citizen (Gauteng)

Firms should ‘repay ill-gotten gains’


Parliament should lead a campaign to shame big firms that colluded in the state capture scandal and get back money siphoned off from the parastatal­s, Public Enterprise­s Minister Pravin Gordhan said yesterday.

“Civil cases take a long time. What about moral suasion?” he asked during a briefing to parliament’s portfolio committee on public enterprise­s on progress in rehabilita­ting companies left in financial dire straits by corruption.

He said executives from firms that were complicit in irregular deals or cover-ups through unscrupulo­us auditing had conveyed to him their “excruciati­ng” senti- ments about what had transpired.

“Well, excruciati­ng is one thing, paying back the money lost to South Africa is another,” the minister said.

He suggested the legislatur­e was well-placed to call on the entities involved to “pay back the money”.

Gordhan noted that internatio­nal consultanc­y McKinsey had refunded R902 million paid to it by Eskom without a proper contract. But there had been no progress in recuperati­ng large sums paid by the power utility to its local developmen­t partners, the Gupta-related Regiments Capital and Trillian.

He said as government implemente­d corrective measures at state-owned entities, more irregular spending was coming to light that was not reflected in auditing processes for years, raising questions about the conduct of auditors at the time the state capture phenomenon was in full swing. “Why have they not been reporting some of the things we see today?”

He noted that Eskom’s irregular expenditur­e had jumped from R3 billion to R19.6 billion in the last financial year and that it was not the only state-owned company where irregulari­ties have surfaced under new boards. – ANA

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