The Citizen (Gauteng)

Zim president’s counterpun­ch



We think it’s just a waste of time.

Constituti­onal Court must rule on the election challenge within 14 days.

Harare – Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has filed submission­s in the land’s highest court opposing a court challenge to his victory by main opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, one of his lawyers said yesterday.

The first election since Robert Mugabe was forced to resign after a coup in November had been expected to end Zimbabwe’s pariah status and launch an economic recovery, but post-election unrest has brought back uncomforta­ble reminders of its violent past.

Mnangagwa has urged Zimbabwe to unite behind him but questions remain over the death of six people in an army crackdown on protests against the ruling party’s victory.

Chamisa has said the vote was rigged and has challenged the result by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, which gave Mnangagwa 2.46 million votes against 2.15 million votes for the 40-yearold Movement for Democratic Change leader.

Paul Mangwana, the ruling party’s legal affairs secretary and one of Mnangagwa’s lawyers, said Chamisa would now be required to respond to Mnangagwa’s applicatio­n before the matter is set down for a hearing.

“We have successful­ly filed our opposition papers to this applicatio­n, which we think is just a waste of time. But that’s for the courts to decide,” Mangwana told reporters outside the Constituti­onal Court.

“Our team of legal practition­ers is ready to meet the MDC Alliance in court,” he said.

Another of Mnangagwa’s lawyers, Lewis Uriri, told the official Herald newspaper’s online edition that he had asked the court to dismiss Chamisa’s applicatio­n, which he said had missed a 10am deadline last Friday.

A lawyer representi­ng Chamisa said he could not comment because he had not yet been served with Mnangagwa’s papers.

The constituti­on requires a losing presidenti­al candidate to file any challenge within seven days of a winner being declared. The Constituti­onal Court, whose decision is final, can uphold the result, declare a new winner, order a fresh election within 60 days or make any other ruling it deems fit. The court must rule within 14 days of an election challenge being lodged. The days do not include weekends and public holidays according to the court rules.

 ?? Picture: Reuters ?? PAPER TRAIL. Emmerson Mnangagwa’s lawyer Tinomudais­he Chinyoka arrives to file papers at the Constituti­onal Court in Harare.
Picture: Reuters PAPER TRAIL. Emmerson Mnangagwa’s lawyer Tinomudais­he Chinyoka arrives to file papers at the Constituti­onal Court in Harare.

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