The Citizen (Gauteng)

How to do your recycling bit and help save the environmen­t


The Glass Recycling Company supports the “separation at source” of recyclable­s.

This is where people sort their rubbish at home, work, restaurant­s and hotels by separating all recyclable packaging from the rest of the rubbish and placing recyclable packaging in a separate dustbin or bag.

Separating your recyclable­s ensures these valuable packaging materials are not sent to landfill.

Separation at source is one of the key methods to experience an incrementa­l increase in the recovery of waste glass, with a resultant increase in recycling rates.

It is important to note that there is no mandatory separation at source in South Africa currently. South Africans need to embrace recycling as a habit, whether this is through positive behaviour.

Essentiall­y punitive measures may mean that your garbage or rubbish won’t be collected by your municipali­ty if it contains recyclable packaging, like glass or plastics.

While there are still other areas that are yet to roll out Separation at Source, you can continue partaking and recycle your glass bottles and jars at a glass bank near you.

Recycling should be an important part of our daily lives in order to make a lasting impact on the environmen­t.

Tips on how to separate at source

It is as easy as using a plastic bin for non-recyclable waste, and a durable plastic bag for plastics, glass, cans, paper etc.

Make recycling as convenient as possible by using existing containers, rather than buying or building new ones to separate your recyclable­s.

Encourage those around you to do the same.

Glass containers, bottles and jars, such as those used for food and beverages, can be recycled.

Glass that cannot be recycled with packaging glass includes windscreen glass, window pane glass, mirrors, light bulbs, drinking glasses and tumblers, Pyrex or laboratory glass.

These items cannot be recycled with your regular glass recycling as this glass has different propertive ties to packaging glass.

Find a glass bank on The Glass Recycling Company at

The Glass Recycling Company consists of a team dedicated to increasing glass recycling in South Africa.

They are passionate about ensuring every South African realises the value of recycling glass and actively embraces this practice.

Each of us really need to consider our role in ensuring a clean and healthy planet for future generation­s.

And we can all do this by recycling!

The Glass Recycling Company urges you to start today and help keep our earth cleaner and healthier, for the benefit of all.

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