The Citizen (Gauteng)

Fresh fighting in Libyan capital


A temporary ceasefire between warring militia factions in the southern suburbs of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, has been broken with the outbreak of fresh clashes.

Libya’s health ministry this week reported 26 deaths and 75 injured. Civilians accounted for 15 of the dead and 51 of the injured, the Libya Herald reported.

The temporary ceasefire brokered on Monday night at the urging of the United Nations Libya Mission broke down on Wednesday after Tripoli Revolution­aries Brigade (TRB) commander Haithem Tajuri returned from his pilgrimage Haj trip to Saudi Arabia.

There are accusation­s that both sides of the warring militias – the TRB and the Tarhuna-based Kani 7th Infantry Brigade – are making unreasonab­le demands.

The fighting involved the indiscrimi­nate firing of medium and heavy weaponry which, in addition to the high number of casualties, caused extensive damage to homes and businesses. A mosque was also hit.

Eyewitness­es reported a significan­t number of armoured vehicles heading towards the fighting and the possibilit­y of militias from other towns and cities joining in the fighting.

An air strike was also carried out on the city of Tarhuna, 65km south-east of Tripoli.

Meanwhile, there were reports of Nato reconnaiss­ance planes circling over the capital and media speculatio­n that the Tarhuna air strike was carried out by the US Africa command. – ANA

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