The Citizen (Gauteng)

Lesson our vocal politician­s should heed


They should take note of what happened in France in 1789, writes Des du Triou.

Last week, an unruly mob tried to occupy vacant blocks of council flats (South Hills) but were stymied by a large police contingent. Frustrated, they turned their anger on anyone and anything, in- timidating, setting fires and roadblocks and destroying property.

This is but one of the many politicall­y motivated flare ups countrywid­e.

In 1789, in France, at the exhortatio­n of politician­s, a mob stormed the Bastille (a prison) and destroyed it.

This led to uprisings all through France and the subsequent execution of the royals and privileged. But then, as mob justice goes, they turned on their own politician­s, including leaders Robespierr­e and Danton, and sent them to the guillotine in a total blood lust.

To our irresponsi­bly vocal politician­s, stop setting grass fires that one day may turn into raging out-of-control infernos.

Heed the lesson, after the fires there’s nothing but ashes.

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