The Citizen (Gauteng)

Building a better child


You as a parent want only the best for your child. And the best might not necessaril­y mean the most expensive, but rather that you will not tolerate a poor level of training, especially in your child’s developmen­tal years.

Most parents, in my opinion, are quite happy to drop their kids off at a sports club for their afternoon training session and then they go to their local club’s pub for a drink and become occupied with Facebook. What parents should be doing is evaluating the quality level of coaching which your child is getting. Sure, you might not know too much about the sport your son has chosen but that doesn’t stop you from Googling what the standard status quo should be.

Ignorance is not an excuse to push blame on anyone else. You are responsibl­e for your child’s developmen­t and no one loves your child more than you do.

I thought I would share with you a framework for success in developing young athletes. This will allow you to see the bigger picture and not just the sport you are focusing on.

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