The Citizen (Gauteng)

Pupil pays for admin error

- Sipho Mabena

Her matric certificat­e, with a full bachelor pass endorsemen­t, has become a source of anxiety and frustratio­n for Thandekile Mahlangu due to an administra­tive mistake.

Mahlangu said universiti­es have been rejecting her for bachelor degree studies as official records reflect only a diploma endorsemen­t.

“This is the second year that I am sitting doing nothing because of this matter.

“I have been rejected by all the universiti­es I have applied to study for a bachelor of education.

“I do not know what to do anymore.

“I am watching my dream of becoming a teacher drifting away,” the 22-year-old said.

Mahlangu, of Waterval in Mpumalanga, said her troubles started when she passed her matric at Makhosana senior secondary school, with a diploma endorsemen­t, in 2017.

She had achieved a low mark – 49% or Level 3 – for geography, which is one percentage point short of achieving a bachelor admission at university.

“In January last year I applied for remarking of my geography paper and I received my results in June, reflecting that my revised mark for geography was now 50%, which is Level 3, and that I now met the criteria for a bachelor admission,” Mahlangu said.

She said despite the good news, getting admitted for a bachelor degree at universiti­es was another story.

“No university would accept me.

“Although my endorsemen­t had been revised from diploma to bachelor degree admission, the systems at universiti­es did not reflect the new endorsemen­t,” Mahlangu said.

She said the last time she was rejected was at the University of Limpopo.

Mahlangu said she had approached the department of basic education for assistance but she was told to go to her school.

No one at her school seemed to know how to assist her, she said.

Mpumalanga department of education spokespers­on Jasper Zwane yesterday insisted their database showed that Mahlangu’s certificat­e indicated that she had obtained admission to a bachelor’s degree, with the corrected mark on the geography.

“This certificat­e was printed and distribute­d in May 2018,” he said.

Department of basic education spokespers­on Elijah Mhlanga said the updated data was also sent to Universiti­es South Africa (USA), so he could not understand why Mahlangu was being rejected.

He said Mahlangu should go to the university that rejected her and explain to them that their decision was wrong.

“The university needs to connect with the person who updates USA’s database,” he said.

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