The Citizen (Gauteng)

Bank in for revamp

- Simnikiwe Hlatshanen­i

The Banking Associatio­n of South Africa (Basa) has poured cold water over the excitement surroundin­g President Cyril Ramaphosa’s statements in parliament, ostensibly underpinni­ng the call to nationalis­e the South African Reserve Bank.

Addressing parliament during his last pre-election question and answer session yesterday, Ramaphosa sought to clarify the ANC’s position on the proposed nationalis­ation of the bank, making an example of the nationalis­ed Bank of England in the UK.

“As the governing party, we have taken a very clear resolution. The Reserve Bank of our country should be owned by the people of South Africa. That is an important considerat­ion.

“What we do have is a situation where we have external shareholde­rs … who live in various countries and work in various countries and so forth,” he said.

Basa CEO Cass Coovadia said he was reluctant to comment on whether Ramaphosa was simply referring to external shareholdi­ng or actual nationalis­ation in which the state fully owned the bank.

He cautioned that the president was making these statements two months before the election.

“I think we have to certainly accept that we are in a pre-election period and there will be some rhetoric, and so we accept that within that context. To us the most crucial thing is that the independen­ce of the bank is protected,” he said.

He added that the issue of shareholdi­ng in the context of the independen­ce of South Africa’s central bank was made moot by the constituti­on.

“In many ways, the focus on the ownership of the bank is a red herring – we would prefer the status quo to remain where there are private shareholde­rs who have no say over the governance of the bank,” he said.

Ramaphosa’s comments on the Reserve Bank were met with a roar of cheers and heckling, as he explained that the governing party’s stance on central bank ownership was not a new concept.

“What I propose has been done in numerous countries. There are only about six countries in the world which have external shareholdi­ng in central banks, and we are one of them,” said Ramaphosa.

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