The Citizen (Gauteng)

The ‘chick lit’ offering needs work

- Dirk Lotriet

Don Quixote is my favourite character in literature. I simply adore that lesser Spanish nobleman whose brain “had dried out” as a result of reading too many fictional books about chivalry.

So you can imagine my amusement when the lovely Snapdragon embarked on a mission “to care for herself intellectu­ally” or, as I prefer to call it, emerge herself into chick lit.

I took an interest in some of those pastel-covered books as a late-night cure for insomnia.

As far as I could tell, there are three kinds of plots:

1. The main character is a British mother with a child with an unusual disease. The story ends with a court case and sometimes someone dies unexpected­ly.

2. The main character is a plain but spoilt young white American woman. Several rich, attractive men are infatuated with her, although I can’t for the life of me understand why. She finds the love of her life, marries him and looks forward to a life of joy and happiness, while years of oppression awaits the poor groom.

3. An American woman with a bad childhood and terrible parents finds a job for which she is not really qualified, but is surprising­ly successful, mainly because of her dress sense and shopping prowess. The main character works in media, PR or finance, has a gay male friend and loves to go out for cappuccino. She adores shoes, her husband is a cheating bastard and her lover has no backbone (her own adultery is justifiabl­e).

The books are often – not always – badly written. The plots are unconvinci­ng, seemingly unsolvable problems are abruptly resolved by an unlikely episode and every book features the word “chartreuse” at least once.

In the morning, when I drink my first mug of coffee after yet another sleepless night, I pity the poor Snapdragon. To yield to this cruel punishment voluntaril­y takes a very special brand of bravery!

Before Black Panther, we also never questioned all-white, American superheros.

Isn’t it time for a few popular women’s novels about a pretty girl from Limpopo who works at Vodacom, wears David Tlale creations and has a crush on a suffering kwaito star?

Come on, South African scribes, there’s a lucrative market waiting. And besides, I believe Snapdragon needs better reading material!

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