The Citizen (Gauteng)

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The problem with imported chicken is that state vets do not have enough staff to check all imported products so they rely on test checks. Simply not good enough. Sherman

Mampintsha is saying Babes Wodumo hit him first but he didn’t have to go to hospital, she did. Leave this coward, Babes, he will kill you. Carol

SABC’s The Bold and the Beautiful. Why doesn’t take it over like they did Days of our Lives? Soapie fan

Henry Coppens’ letter of March 6 refers. The ANC’s supporting President Maduro is not about the Venezuelan people, it’s all about backing up their partners in crime. Their support of Mugabe is a perfect example. Steve

EFF shows what a bad bunch they are for all the world to see. Shame on you. Susan

One thing is for sure – if Malema and the EFF win the elections many more South Africans will leave this country, and those of us who do not have millions to emigrate may have to relocate to Robben Island. Gatvol

Ben Trovato, you are terrific! A wonderful, warped mind just like me. Keep up the insanely funny work. Brian

Ben, what a fantastic delivery. And with all that spin you can expect a call from Cricket SA. John Bam

As long as Happy Jele is Orlando Pirates’ captain, they won’t win anything. I don’t know if this is new to Pirates’ owners and faithful, but he has bad luck in terms of winning trophies. Tshepo

The state has no business prescribin­g to parents to send their children to school two years before they are ready. This smacks of communism and deprives parents of their parental rights. The state has a dismal track record in this country as regards good governance. Jenny Downs

Good for you TUT for shutting down the campus. The so-called “majority of students” that are there are nothing more than losers looking for free accommodat­ion and food and not interested in studying! Barrie B

Lions may not be playing their best rugby, but we’ll always stand behind you. Lions for life

The Proteas need to find a way to strengthen their lower order. Otherwise they won’t cut it at the World Cup. Baard

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