The Citizen (Gauteng)




1. Calls over weaver to get trousers (4-7) 9. Put pressure on to suspend deciding match (4-3) 10. Edinburgh displays examples of needlework (7) 11. Ring females on holiday (3) 12. Liberal impressed by popular monarch’s suggestion (7) 13. Waterproof paints on ink ground (7) 14. Late arrival enjoys drink (3) 15. Assemble before court (5) 17. Best, ironically (5) 18. Some feel knackered on way back, having twisted one? (5) 20. Woman avoids hotel compound (5) 22. Minor type with no name (3) 24. Icy section of road with banks (7) 25. Losing one will disturb first of riders on horseback (7) 26. Space for printer occupied by large furniture-maker (3) 27. Clown that could undermine Brighton attraction? (7) 28. Famous controvers­ial artist with European books (7) 29. Beam, slim, protecting eastern vault (11)


1. Illegal traders need to sell drinks cases (5,10) 2. Eleventh-century pope resembling big cat? (7) 3. Make confused request to tour Foreign Office (5) 4. Bird favouring scraps giving as good as it gets (3,3,3) 5. Discharge proscribed pack animal heading north (7) 6. Bottle corks scattered around roadside in leafy Surrey? (11,4) 7. Ruined place captivates the Italian (6) 8. What some fishermen do for worldwide newsgroups (6) 16. Mention good French chap upending bubbly (9) 18. Welcome excellent port clubs introduced (6) 19. African nation’s merit reappraise­d to some degree (7) 21. Trouble in band protesting strongly (7) 23. Delegate position in Scottish Water (6) 25. Detect male entering market (5)

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