The Citizen (Gauteng)

EU upbeat about reaching Brexit deal


– A Brexit deal could yet be reached this week, the chief EU negotiator said yesterday, but member states warned they will not allow Britain to open a back door to their single market.

British and EU officials are scrambling to draft a deal on Britain’s exit terms before the European summit tomorrow, as Prime Minister Boris Johnson seeks to fulfil his vow to take Britain out on October 31.

European diplomats said Britain has already given ground on customs rules for Northern Ireland, but must go further quickly


if a deal is to be done this month.

As he arrived in Luxembourg to brief the other 27 EU states on the progress of the closed-door talks, chief EU negotiator Michel Barnier struck a cautiously upbeat note.

“This work has been intense all along the weekend and yesterday because, even if the agreement will be difficult – more and more difficult to be frank – it’s still possible this week,” Barnier said.

“Obviously any agreement must work for everyone. Let me add also that it is high time to turn good intentions into legal text.”

A European diplomat said the “goal” was to get a draft text of a deal ready by later yesterday, but warned: “Time is running out, but the window for agreement is still narrowly open.”

Another diplomat explained that if Britain wants a deal agreed at the summit this week, then a text would need to be ready “today or tomorrow morning” to allow EU and member state parliament­ary procedures to be completed.

British Brexit Minister Stephen Barclay joined Barnier in Luxembourg in what was seen as a positive sign for progress in the talks. – AFP

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