The Citizen (Gauteng)

Authoritie­s lie – European MP



– A former senior official with Greece’s neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party yesterday accused authoritie­s of fabricatin­g evidence in a landmark murder trial implicatin­g dozens of party members.

Yiannis Lagos, elected to the European parliament in May, told a court that cellphone exchanges with other fellow suspects on the night of the 2013 murder had been “stitched up” to incriminat­e them.

“I do not accept the charges,” Lagos said, denying any responsibi­lity for the murder of anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas by an alleged Golden Dawn member.

Lagos was elected to the European parliament with Golden Dawn but defected from the party a few weeks later, citing disagreeme­nt with its policies.

Once Greece’s third-strongest party, Golden Dawn has been in disarray as a verdict in the fouryear trial edges closer.

The party suffered heavy losses in a July general election, failing to enter parliament for the first time since 2012.

Based on a flurry of phone conversati­ons between alleged Golden Dawn members on the night Fyssas was murdered, the prosecutio­n says the act was allegedly carried out with the knowledge of senior party members, Lagos among them.

Lagos is among more than a dozen current and former senior Golden Dawn members on trial, including party chief Nikolaos Michalolia­kos, who is to testify in November.

In the party’s military-style hierarchy, Lagos was its local commander for the Piraeus area, where Fyssas died, prosecutor­s found.

The rapper’s mother Magda Fyssas has also claimed Lagos had given party henchmen the goahead to stab her son.

“Nothing would have been done without approval from Lagos, there is no chance,” she told the court in 2015.

Alongside many other senior Golden Dawn members, Lagos was jailed after Fyssas’ murder but was released pending the conclusion of the trial. –

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