The Citizen (Gauteng)

Government must get tough with Zimbabwe

SA must not remain silent about illegal Zimbabwe immigrants,

- writes Michael Tinarwo.

It is devastatin­g to witness the people of Zimbabwe living helplessly and fearfully under the hands of the Zanu-PF government. Desperate Zimbabwean­s are now trying to cross a flooded Limpopo river known for dangerous crocodiles as the border between South Africa and Zimbabwe is closed due to Covid-19.

The lack of compassion the Zimbabwean government has for its people is shocking. A country once called the breadbaske­t of Africa now sees its citizens fleeing for a better life in South Africa.

It is clear that Zanu-PF has failed to revive the ailing economy as the mass migration of Zimbabwean­s to South Africa is increasing by the day.

This is also evidently creating a problem for the SA government as they are constantly forced to shut their borders to keep the illegal Zimbabwean­s out. Many Zimbabwean­s who do happen to enter are reportedly responsibl­e for criminal activities in the country.

It is clear the desperatio­n of the Zimbabwean people has left them with no choice but to resort to drastic measures.

An estimated five million Zimbabwean­s are now living in SA – the majority are illegal migrants. They are over-stretching resources and creating lower wages.

It is clear that the reckless, careless and corrupt Zimbabwean government have burdened South Africa.

The South African government should not remain silent as the mismanagem­ent of Zimbabwe is burdening SA year by year.

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