The Citizen (Gauteng)

Once bitten, you’re not alone


- Crowdy Bay National Park

Group includes victims of dog maulings, alligator bites, hippo attack.

The first rule of Bite Club is you talk to Dave Pearson, a shark attack survivor who connects hundreds of people from around the world to support each other “beyond the bite”.

The 58 year old almost died a decade ago when a bull shark tore into his arm while he was surfing off Australia’s east coast.

Since the day when friends hauled him to shore – away from the 3m predator that dragged him around the bottom of the ocean before losing interest – he has been helping others escape the psychologi­cal grip of nightmare attacks.

“My life is shark attacks,” the wind, sun and surf-weathered Aussie told AFP, still dripping wet after another day on the waves at the beach where he was bitten. “You know, if there’s a shark attack somewhere in the world, I’ll hear about it.”

Pearson is the founder of Bite Club, initially a small group for survivors of shark encounters that now includes victims of dog maulings, alligator bites and even a hippo attack.

Its members – nearly 400 people in all – usually meet in person at least once a year, but some meet more often for a casual surf while the rest keep in contact on social media.

The club acts as a network for survivors to seek out support from the group when they need it most. Pearson says he spends most nights speaking with at least one member over the phone.

He realised the power of talking to others who shared his ordeal even before he had left the hospital. By chance, Lisa Mondy – bitten a few days before him – was recovering in the same facility.

“Everybody was there to wish me the best, but until I spoke with Lisa it was like, they didn’t really understand what my head was going through,” said Pearson.

The brutality of maulings – combined with the media attention they receive – can shake survivors, victims, their relatives and rescuers for years and in some cases cause post-traumatic stress disorder.

When Kevin Young’s 19-yearold son Zac was killed by a tiger shark while surfing on a reef near Coffs Harbour in 2013, he felt like a hurricane had swallowed him.

“I was inside the eye of that storm and I feel like I’ve been here ever since,” Young said.

His son’s legs were almost completely severed but, clinging to life, he paddled across to his three friends to tell them he loved them and prayed for their protection from the killer shark lurking below. Surrounded by water thick with their friend’s blood, the trio – at the time aged 14, 15 and 19 – paddled Zac back to shore on their shoulders, in a journey that took nearly half an hour.

But nothing could be done to revive Young’s son, despite their efforts. “Those three boys, in my mind, became men that day,” said Young. “I’m indebted to them for life in what they tried to do for my son.”

Like Pearson, Young speaks of others’ pain before his own. Each of his son’s rescuers has paid a psychologi­cal price, he said. “Whether it’s a partner, the wife, the son, the daughter, a friend, or just a community member – there’s so many people affected.”

Young says it is a privilege to serve in a club that helps support people who would otherwise be left to struggle alone.

That includes people like Ray Short, who was 13 years old in 1966 when a shark clamped down on his leg while swimming near Wollongong.

“It’s just something that was never there when I was young. If you got to meet or hear from one or two other shark bite victims, it was amazing,” Short says.

“Now, there’s a group there that can all sit and relate to each other.”

Pearson says while the group is closely connected, the perspectiv­e of members is varied: some become anti-shark, pushing for culls, while others become conservati­onists.

To meet one or two other victims was amazing

 ?? Pictures: AFP ?? NOT SHY. Dave Pearson, an Australian shark attack survivor on Crowdy Bay National Park at Port Macquarie, 127km northeast of Sydney. Pearson is the founder of Bite Club, initially a small group for survivors of shark encounters that now includes victims of dog maulings, alligator bites and even a hippo attack.
Pictures: AFP NOT SHY. Dave Pearson, an Australian shark attack survivor on Crowdy Bay National Park at Port Macquarie, 127km northeast of Sydney. Pearson is the founder of Bite Club, initially a small group for survivors of shark encounters that now includes victims of dog maulings, alligator bites and even a hippo attack.
 ??  ?? BACK IN THE WATER. Dave Pearson, an Australian shark attack survivor, surfing on Crowdy Bay National Park at Port Macquarie.
BACK IN THE WATER. Dave Pearson, an Australian shark attack survivor, surfing on Crowdy Bay National Park at Port Macquarie.
 ??  ?? ON SAME WAVELENGTH. Australian surfers Kevin Young, Dave Pearson, Bruce Lucs and Ray Short on Crowdy Bay National Park.
ON SAME WAVELENGTH. Australian surfers Kevin Young, Dave Pearson, Bruce Lucs and Ray Short on Crowdy Bay National Park.

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