The Citizen (Gauteng)

Moz town traumatise­d

JIHADISTS SWOOP: PALMA RESIDENTS CONTINUE TO FLEE EACH DAY Resident who returns to his home two weeks after fleeing attack found beheaded.


It’s a place where you cannot sleep thinking you are going to wake up with no problems.

Six weeks after it was raided by Islamic Statelinke­d fighters, the northern Mozambican town of Palma remains deeply traumatise­d and hundreds of its residents flee each day, survivors and aid workers say.

The jihadists swooped on the coastal town on 24 March, killing dozens of people and triggering an exodus that included workers on a multibilli­on-dollar liquefied natural gas (LNG) project.

The raids marked a major intensific­ation in an insurgency that has wreaked havoc across Cabo Delgado province for over three years as the militants seek to establish a caliphate.

The violence pushed France’s

Total to suspend work on the nearby LNG scheme, one of Africa’s largest. The dead include several expatriate oil workers.

After days of fighting, the government said its forces had driven out the extremists and that calm had returned.

But many people still feel unsafe and are leaving the area.

In recent days, hundreds have landed in the provincial capital Pemba on privately organised rescue boats, said a volunteer registerin­g the displaced.

Viaze Juma, a mother of four, arrived on Friday from Afungi, a peninsula near the heavily guarded gas plant and 5km south of Palma, where thousands sought refuge during the attack.

“It’s good that now I’m out of Palma. I’m safe but my house was burned down,” she said.

On the day Juma made it to Pemba, the United Nations announced that the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) had breached the 30 000 mark.

Four days later, on Tuesday, that number had shot to 36 288 – almost half of Palma’s 75 000 inhabitant­s.

Further inland, in Mueda and Nangade, up to 40 families arrive each day on foot, aid workers say.

The true picture of the security situation in Palma remains obscure.

Although cellphone communicat­ions and electricit­y – cut off on the day of the attack – have been restored, access to the town is still restricted for both the media and humanitari­an organisati­ons.

But the flight of tens of thousands of civilians in a month and a half – 6 000 of them in less than a week – shows that order has not yet been fully restored.

“The situation in Palma is very unstable, (with) shooting at night,” said an aid worker in Mueda, southwest of Palma.

“It’s a place where you cannot sleep thinking you are going to wake up with no problems,” added the worker.

Two weeks ago, a resident who had returned to his home after fleeing the attack was found beheaded, local police said.

A Pemba resident, Issa Mohamede, said his relatives in Palma confirmed night time “shootings and [that] some houses were seen burning in Malamba neighbourh­ood” late last month.

“It is clear the situation is volatile” in Palma, said a Pemba-based aid worker, adding that “the reason people are still fleeing is because things are not okay, people are still trying to evacuate”.

The number of IDPs “continues to increase by the day,” said Mozambique chief of mission for the Internatio­nal Organisati­on for Migration (IOM) Laura Tomm-Bonde.

IOM global emergency director Jeff Labovitz, who visited Mozambique last week, said that “when people choose to leave their house it’s for big reasons, they don’t feel secure”. –

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