The Citizen (Gauteng)

French push for rare earths autonomy


Orleans – As Europe seeks to reduce its reliance on China for the rare earth metals needed for modern batteries and electronic­s, French researcher­s have found a potentiall­y potent ally: bacteria that can help extract the elements from mine slag heaps.

The tons of discarded ore, which contain nickel, copper and cobalt, are the continent’s only domestic source of rare earths, along with discarded phones, computers and other tech gear.

“Europeans have woken up to this dependence on China and said, ‘we need to find alternativ­e supply sources’,” said Anne-Gwenaelle Guezennec, an engineer with the French Geological Survey in Orleans.

The 17 rare earth metals, also vital for magnets, wind turbines and other advanced applicatio­ns, are found in minute quantities within various ores, most of which are in Asia.

Gritty powders in their pure states, they have unique physical and electronic properties that can enhance a range of materials, from chemical catalysts to magnets and glass.

But the mining and extraction techniques to obtain them are difficult, requiring toxic chemicals applied at high pressure and temperatur­es, consuming significan­t amounts of energy.

The French geologists are exploring instead more environmen­tally friendly approaches.

“We enlist the very specific properties of certain micro-organisms, bacteria that we find in the subsoil,” Guezennec said.

At the Orleans lab, the process starts by pulverisin­g mounds of rocks, or “tailings,” left over from traditiona­l mining and dissolving them in liquid.

Different bacteria are then injected, depending on the metal sought, along with oxygen and common nutrients like potassium or nitrogen to “feed” the bacteria.

A bioreactor machine then heats and rapidly agitates the solutions, in colours like greygreen or mustard yellow, setting the extraction process in motion.

“The bacteria allows us to do this at relatively low temperatur­es, between 30 and 50 degrees,” Guezennec said.

“And it doesn’t need to be pressurise­d, so these are very stable processes that are not very expensive.”

After years of testing, the lab is preparing to launch tests for large-scale production, extracting rare earths and cobalt, copper and nickel from slag heaps in Finland and New Caledonia.

“This is really aimed at being used anywhere there are slag heaps that contain metal,” Guezennec said.

But that process, requiring specialise­d equipment to remove the metals from the liquid using electrolys­is, is beyond the lab’s capacities. –

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