The Citizen (Gauteng)


AI starts ge ing more creative


In recent years, artificial intelligen­ce (AI) has managed to make its way into the arts world.

Some people already envision it emulating real-world artists, in creating autonomous­ly. But AI seems to lack an essential quality: imaginatio­n.

Now, American researcher­s are trying to remedy the situation.

Researcher­s at the University of Southern California are working to endow AI with the very “human” quality of imaginatio­n.

They have recently developed an algorithm capable of designing novel objects with different attributes.

“We were inspired by human visual generalisa­tion capabiliti­es to try to simulate human imaginatio­n in machines,” explains Yunhao Ge, a PhD student on the research team.

“Humans can separate their learned knowledge by attributes – for instance, shape, pose, position, colour – and then recombine them to imagine a new object.

“Our paper attempts to simulate this process using neural networks.”

The scientists used the concept of “disentangl­ement” to allow the machine to generate new images from visual samples.

The AI programme uses the features it has observed in images analysed to perform a “controllab­le novel image synthesis”.

This process of extrapolat­ion could be the next best thing to what we might consider imaginatio­n, and has allowed the researcher­s to generate a database containing 1.56 million novel images.

“Disentangl­ement” already allows algorithms to make deepfakes, controvers­ial videos where one face is replaced by another.

But this technique could help machines go even further, according to Laurent Itti, professor of computer science at the university.

“This new approach truly unleashes a new sense of imaginatio­n in AI systems, bringing them closer to humans’ understand­ing of the world.”

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