The Citizen (Gauteng)

Crowning glories in Afghanista­n


Kabul – At the crossroads of central and south Asia, Afghanista­n has for centuries been a meeting place for cultures and ethnicitie­s, as evidenced in the striking assortment of headgear worn by its people.

The style of a cap or turban confers status on its wearer and also signifies what part of the country they come from or which ethnic group they belong to.

An Uzbek cap, for example – flat and round and worn tight – is decorated with colourful woollen embroidery and common among Afghans from the northern regions of Mazar-i-Sharif, Faryab and Jawzjan.

Pashtuns, Afghanista­n’s biggest ethnic group from which the hardline Islamist Taliban mostly hail, prefer black turbans, wrapped over a cap with a “tail” falling on the shoulder. Villagers say a Pashtun boy enters manhood when he wears the turban.

In southern Kandahar, young men don round, soft caps split in the front while elderly men prefer turbans and scarves.

Afghan women in some rural areas also wear embroidere­d caps over or under a chadar shawl which flows over their shoulder. The pakol worn by Tajiks, is soft with chubby rolls of sheep wool to keep cold heads warm in winter.

It became emblematic of late anti-Taliban commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, who wore it perched far back on his head, and his fighters from Panjshir valley.

Marriage often calls for exceptiona­l headgear, such as the gilgit hat worn by grooms – similar to the pakol but featuring a feather pinned in the front or on the side.

One of the oldest styles worn by Afghans is the Karakul, made of the wool of newborn lambs and known as a jinnah cap across the border in Pakistan where it was popularise­d by the country’s founder, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It found favour in Kabul as a firm staple of former president Hamid Karzai.

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