The Citizen (Gauteng)

Protests if Afghan girls’ schools stay shut


– Women’s rights activists pledged yesterday to launch protests across Afghanista­n if the Taliban fail to reopen girls’ secondary schools within a week.

Thousands of secondary school girls had flocked to classes last Wednesday after the hardline Islamists reopened their institutio­ns for the first time since seizing power last August. But officials ordered the schools shut again just hours into the day, triggering internatio­nal outrage.

“We call on the leaders of the Islamic Emirate to open girls’ schools within one week,” activist Halima Nasari read from a statement issued by four women’s rights groups at a press conference in Kabul. “If the girls’ schools remain closed ... we will open them ourselves and stage demonstrat­ions throughout the country until our demands are met.”

The Taliban should be building more schools for girls in rural areas rather than shutting existing facilities, said the statement.

“The people can no longer tolerate such oppression. We do not accept any excuse from the authoritie­s,” it said.

On Saturday, about two dozen schoolgirl­s and women staged a protest in Kabul demanding the reopening of the schools.

“Women, teachers and girls should come out and protest,” said student Zarghuna Ibrahimi, 16, who attended the press conference. “The internatio­nal community should support us.”

The education ministry has so far not given a clear reason for its policy reversal, but senior Taliban leader Suhail Shaheel told AFP that some “practical issues” were still to be resolved before reopening the schools.

Since storming back to power the Taliban have rolled back two decades of gains made by Afghanista­n’s women, who have been squeezed out of government jobs, barred from travelling alone and ordered to dress according to a strict interpreta­tion of the Koran.

The Taliban had promised a softer version of the harsh Islamist rule that characteri­sed their stint in power from 1996 to 2001. But many restrictio­ns have still crept back, often implemente­d at the whim of regional officials.

Some Afghan women initially resisted the curbs, holding small protests where they demanded the right to education and work.

The Taliban soon rounded up the ringleader­s, holding them incommunic­ado while denying they had been detained. Since their release, most have gone silent.

Yesterday, the ministry for promotion of virtue and prevention of vice ordered that men and women should not visit parks in Kabul on the same days.

Women are now permitted to visit parks on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, while the remaining days were reserved for men, a ministry notificati­on said.

“It is not the Islamic Emirate’s order but our God’s order that men and women who are strangers to each other should not gather at one place,” Mohammad Yahya Aref, an official at the ministry, said. –

 ?? Picture: AFP ?? UP IN ARMS. Afghan women and girls protest outside the ministry of education in Kabul on Saturday, demanding that high schools be reopened for girls.
Picture: AFP UP IN ARMS. Afghan women and girls protest outside the ministry of education in Kabul on Saturday, demanding that high schools be reopened for girls.

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