The Citizen (Gauteng)

Talk therapy can help your OCD


- Citizen reporter –

Men often present with this condition aged about 19, women at 22.

Arecurring sense of impending doom or fear that a dreaded event is about to happen can become an immense burden for people suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

The time-consuming and repetitive behaviours associated with this mental health condition may severely impact an individual’s work and/or social functionin­g, and disrupt family life.

Dr Gwen Tonyane, a psychiatri­st practising at Netcare Akeso Crescent Clinic Randburg, says OCD is characteri­sed by the presence of obsessions, compulsion­s or both.

“Obsessions are recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges or images that come to mind but are intrusive and unwanted, causing the person marked anxiety or distress,” she says.

“A person who suffers from OCD may try to self manage the intrusive thoughts by distractin­g themselves with another thought or action, or simply trying to ignore the intrusive thought to help ease the anxiety and distress caused, but this is often very difficult.”

Resistance to the thought often intensifie­s it.

“Sometimes, the individual may create their own rigid rules that they feel must be followed to neutralise the thoughts and gain a sense of control over them. These compulsion­s take the form of repetitive behaviours or mental habits that a person with OCD feels driven to by the obsession.

“The person may feel a responsibi­lity to perform these rituals, believing that this could prevent something dreadful from happening. The person’s response is, however, either excessive or in many cases not even rationally connected to the source of anxiety,” Tonyane explains.

For example, a person may have obsessive worry or an irrational premonitio­n of a terrible event and may develop their own personal rituals, which they perform compulsive­ly in the hope that this could somehow influence external events to prevent the anticipate­d disaster from happening.

“The sufferers of OCD usually have a strong desire to resist these compulsion­s, but eventually they comply – even though in many cases the person is aware that the thoughts are irrational and that their response is not rooted in reality. However, sometimes the person may not realise this,” she says.

The obsessions or compulsion­s of a person living with OCD tend to be time-consuming and cause impairment in the person’s functionin­g. This could be in their personal management, at school or work, socially or in other important areas of their lives.

“One of the more common obsessions is that of contaminat­ion, where the person with OCD may be consumed by the fear or thoughts of contractin­g specific germs or bacteria, and this may go far beyond causing anxiety about the actual illness caused by the germs, potentiall­y to the detriment of the person’s health,” Tonyane observes.

“Sometimes, the anxiety may be accompanie­d by obsessive shame or disgust at the thought of being contaminat­ed. The response may even become life-threatenin­g if the individual’s OCD leads them to avoid doctors’ consulting rooms and hospitals when they are medically unwell or need urgent medical care. In such cases, their fear of exposure to germs is out of proportion, placing them at greater risk.

“In other instances, a person may develop dermatolog­ical problems such as skin lesions due to excessive compulsive washing driven by the efforts to rid themselves of contaminat­ion. Some individual­s with OCD try to impose their rules on their family members or bar them from doing certain things, which can lead to family conflict.

“Another common manifestat­ion of OCD is pathologic­al doubt which manifests in checking behaviour. For example, the person may check multiple times whether the doors and windows are locked, usually for a certain count, before they can feel secure or less anxious.

“If a person, for example, feels compelled to get out of bed multiple times every night to check on the same thing, this can rob them of essential sleeping time and could take a toll on their work or school performanc­e.”

As with most mental health conditions, it is believed that both hereditary and environmen­tal causes may contribute to OCD.

“There appears to be a stronger correlatio­n when OCD presents in childhood. Traumatic events, such as physical and sexual abuse in childhood, may increase a person’s risk for OCD, and there are also some psychologi­cal theories on why some people may develop OCD.”

Symptoms typically start gradually, with men often presenting at around 19 years of age and women more commonly around 22. “Medical problems or psychosoci­al difficulti­es can often exacerbate the OCD symptoms and often individual­s with OCD present to their doctors or psychologi­sts with other mental health concerns, commonly depressive disorder, social phobia and tics. “Fortunatel­y, OCD can be successful­ly managed with both medication and psychother­apy, also known as talk therapy. In certain cases of OCD, the treating psychiatri­st may also suggest other treatment options.

“Without profession­al treatment, OCD is usually a long-term condition, often with the person’s mental health status shifting back and forth. Some individual­s have episodes where the symptoms intensify, while a minority have a deteriorat­ing course with OCD.

“If you think you or a loved one may be struggling with any aspect of your mental health, it is advisable to see a psychiatri­st or psychologi­st for a proper diagnosis and management plan,” Tonyane said.

Aware their response is not rooted in reality

 ?? ?? Dr Gwen Tonyane
Dr Gwen Tonyane
 ?? Pictures: iStock ??
Pictures: iStock

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