The Citizen (Gauteng)

‘Warriors’ set to make yoga inclusive


London – London-based yoga instructor Stacie Graham is on a mission to make the ancient practice more racially and socially diverse, urging her charges to become “warriors for change” in the booming industry.

Yoga, which originates from India, and pilates – a form of exercise focused on postural alignment – are now worth $30 billion (about R490 billion) a year, according to the Global Wellness Institute.

But this success masks a lack of diversity, which affects the entire fitness sector, said Graham, who also works as a diversity policy consultant for corporatio­ns.

“Here we are in London. If you go to any space where there is a gym or yoga studio, you will likely not see ‘London’, but typically white, female bodies – middle class – participat­ing,” she said.

“And my question has been: how is that possible?”

A survey of yoga teachers and practition­ers in the UK by the medical studies site, BMJ Open, found that 87% were women, and 91% white, about 10% higher than the national proportion of white people.

Graham has just published a book, Yoga as Resistance, to help industry profession­als broaden their clientele.

She also convenes workshops with other teachers, plotting how to diversify the industry.

“You want to be warriors of change, yoga gives us everything we need for that fight,” she tells her charges as they perform the warrior 2 posture: one leg bent, the other stretched behind, and the arms horizontal, like arrows.

Attendee Ntathu Allen, who specialise­s in “breathing and healing” sessions for women of colour, said she is sometimes asked “if I’m really a teacher” when she arrives at a new studio.

Pam Sagoo, owner of Flow Space Yoga in London’s multicultu­ral Dalston neighbourh­ood, was also at the workshop.

“You just have to look outside the window and look at the people to know you need appeal to a wider audience,” giving the examples of black, older and LGBT people.

It is a similar situation in the US, where “there are not many black women in these spaces and it does not encourage others to enter,” Raquel Horsford Best, a teacher based in Los Angeles, said.

Instructor­s and owners partly blamed access issues, economic factors and the difficulty of keeping studios afloat.

But Graham points to “more subtle” exclusiona­ry factors, such as a performanc­e-oriented atmosphere that discourage­s those who are less flexible, slim and older.

As a result, many people who could “really benefit” from yoga, such as those suffering from pandemic-related mental health issues and long Covid, are missing out, she added.

The first step would be to diversify the recruitmen­t of teachers and staff, she said.

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