The Citizen (Gauteng)

Vital for SMMEs to be loud



If you get the messaging right, clients will recommend your products, services.

It is important for small businesses to be loud in times of the global recession that is widely seen as inevitable this year. Many organisati­ons are already looking for ways to cut back on costs and keep their business profitable and they usually start with marketing and customer communicat­ion.

It is understand­able to a degree as many executives simply do not see marketing and customer communicat­ion as core business competenci­es. However, it will be a massive mistake to engage in that kind of short-term thinking.

Instead, Ross Sibbald, commercial director at Tilte, says organisati­ons should use recessions as an opportunit­y to be loud, focus on communicat­ing with their customers and give themselves the best possible chance of coming out the other side of any recession poised for growth.

Importance of being loud

“With the right approach, organisati­ons that understand the importance of being loud, even when times are tough, can steal a march on any competitor­s that take a more traditiona­l approach and grow in spite of a broader recessiona­ry environmen­t.”

Sibbald says you must not expect loyal customers without communicat­ion and rather demonstrat­e value in difficult times and overcome industry fears.

Sibbald says the fact remains that out of sight leads to being out of mind. “To understand why being loud in the face of recession is so important, a good place for organisati­ons to start is to think about the very customers they should be talking to.”

Unless your business only services the ultra-wealthy, chances are your customers will feel the effects of the recession and many of them will already have felt serious pressure on their monthly budgets over the past few months.

In the wake of spiralling inflation, coupled with rising fuel and energy costs, consumers around the world have been contemplat­ing what they can cut back on.

Should they let go of one or two of the streaming services they pay for every month? Or will it make more of a difference if they ditch the insurance they had for years but never used?

“All around the globe, people are asking themselves these questions. And as the recession bites, those questions will become more and more common and affect an increasing number of businesses.

“The best way to ensure that your business is not among those facing the consumer cull, is to keep working on the relationsh­ip you have with your customers.”

Sibblad says you must remember, just as is the case with your friends, family and colleagues, you cannot expect to build fruitful and lasting relationsh­ips in silence. You have to communicat­e and understand that failing to communicat­e makes it that much more likely that you’ll lose customers.

Brand awareness

“It takes time and resources for a company to build up their brand awareness and, to achieve this, you must be constantly visible. Investing in marketing and communicat­ions will help you build brand awareness, acquire more customers and increase sales.”

Sibblad points out that when times are tough, it is natural that your sales will be down but this means you have to work harder to get back to where you were.

“Reducing your marketing spend now is going to either stagnate your efforts or negatively affect the previous hard work in building up your brand.”

However, it is critical to not just communicat­e for the sake of communicat­ion, Sibbald says. Your communicat­ion will have real and meaningful impact if you demonstrat­e value, not only of your product and service offerings but also of your ability to help customers get through the difficult times.

“If you render financial services company, for example, you must not only talk to your customers about how tweaks to their portfolio can ensure they keep making money throughout the recession. Instead, you can also send out budgeting tips or even look at collaborat­ions with major retailers to ensure that customers get as much value as possible for sticking with you, even in the toughest of times.”

Sibbald says throughout the communicat­ion process, it is also important to be even more sensitive than usual about ensuring that all the communicat­ion is hyper-personal and relevant to each individual customer. “If you spend more time at home and spend less on fuel, for example, chances are you will not be enthusiast­ic about the offer of a new car loan.

“That kind of messaging would be like a friend telling you all about their all-inclusive holiday to Reunion after you just told them you had to cancel your annual camping trip because your last tent got damaged and you can’t afford a new one. It is, in other words, tone-deaf, unempathet­ic and to be avoided.”

Sibblad says if you get your messaging right in difficult times, your customers will become your best advocates and recommend your products and services to family and friends.

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