The Citizen (KZN)

Second case of Mers confirmed in Philippine­s


Manila – A foreigner who flew to the Philippine­s from the Middle East has become the second confirmed case of Mers in the country, the health department said yesterday, as a deadly outbreak in South Korea spreads alarm across Asia.

The 36-year-old male patient, whose nationalit­y was not disclosed, has been put in isolation at a government facility to contain the virus, Philippine Health Secretary Janette Garin said.

“We can see he is getting better,” Garin told a news conference, adding the man had a “low viral load” indicating his infection was not extremely serious.

“There is no reason to panic and we appeal to the public to respect the privacy of the patient.”

The man fell ill on July 2, having earlier arrived in the country from Saudi Arabia by way of Dubai, she said, declining to give more details.

A Filipina nurse who returned from Saudi Arabia in February became the first person in the Philippine­s to test positive for Mers but she later recovered.

Although Garin stressed there had been no cases of Mers infection through casual contact in the Philippine­s, the health department was tracing people who may have had contact with the patient.

They include all those who were on the same flight as the infected man, Garin said.

In South Korea, which is suffering the worst outbreak of Mers outside Saudi Arabia, 185 people have been diagnosed with the disease with 33 fatalities. –

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