The Citizen (KZN)

Beads in abundance


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Wits Art Museum (WAM) is celebratin­g the art of beadwork through the upcoming exhibition Beadwork, Art and the Body: Dilo Tše Dintši/ Abundance.

The subtitle of the exhibition, Dilo Tše Dintši, means “abundance” in Pedi and is a title that celebrates the abundance and richness of beadwork. Opening later this month, the exhibition will showcase the dazzling range of beadwork that forms part of South African art history.

“Visitors can look forward to seeing items such as Ndebele linaga (capes) and irari (beaded blankets) that date back to the mid-20th Century,” says curator Professor Anitra Nettleton.

“These beaded capes and blankets are still worn by some Ndebele married women at wedding ceremonies and after their sons have returned from the mountain.”

Focusing on South African beadwork, the exhibition includes work from the extensive WAM art collection­s alongside contempora­ry artworks.

Sponsorshi­p from the National Art Council has enabled WAM to include works by artists from two beadwork co-operatives: Woza Moya (Hillcrest) and Umcebo Design (Durban).

Beads will take over a large part of the WAM space, including the WAM Café, which will be filled with a beadwork installati­on created by artists from Umcebo Design.

A book, Beadwork, Art and the Body: Dilo Tše Dintši/Abundance, accompanie­s the exhibition and provides an inside look into the artistry and history behind these remarkable beaded artworks.

Events including talkabouts, panel discussion­s and bead-making workshops that will give museum-goers the opportunit­y to learn about the rich history and tradition of beadwork.

Be sure not to miss seeing the art of beadwork like you’ve never seen it before at Wits Art Museum.

 ?? Picture: Thinkstock ?? CELEBRATIN­G ART. South African beadwork will be showcased at the Wits Arts Museum later this month.
Picture: Thinkstock CELEBRATIN­G ART. South African beadwork will be showcased at the Wits Arts Museum later this month.

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