The Citizen (KZN)

‘For us it’s the bigger picture’


Paris – Embattled French coach Philippe Saint-Andre (above) has all but dismissed three woeful Six Nations campaigns, saying the reason he had taken the job was now on the horizon – the Rugby World Cup.

The 48-year-old former French wing and captain – who will stand down after the World Cup even if he delivers France their first trophy after three losing finalist appearance­s – said he could not wait to get started on the preparatio­ns with the 36-man squad.

Saint-Andre, who will be replaced by Toulouse coach Guy Noves, is hardly backed by great confidence in him.

He has struggled to impose himself since he took over and his record of just 15 wins in 37 games is the worst of any French coach.

“There is a lot of impatience to get going,” said Saint-Andre.

“It is the beginning of a wonderful adventure which will lead to the World Cup.

“We have waited three years to be in this position: to put into motion firstly five weeks focused 65-70% on physique and 30% on individual technique, at Marcoussis and Tignes (July 15 to 25).

“Then there will be a second part, more rugby-based, which will take us up to the two warmup games against England (August 15 and 22); and finally the last bit of fine-tuning and reducing the squad to 31 before at last arriving at our first pool match (September 19 against Italy).”

Saint-Andre, who has attracted as much criticism as his predecesso­r Marc Lievremont whom he replaced after France narrowly lost the 2011 World Cup final, said his first target was to finish top of a pool which also features Six Nations champions Ireland, whom France have failed to beat during his tenure. –

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