The Citizen (KZN)

Tip 1: Put hand hygiene first


Hand washing is particular­ly important when travelling because of increased contact with other travellers and the different germs they may be carrying.

Wash hands often with antibacter­ial soap and warm water, effectivel­y rubbing all areas of the hands for at least 20 seconds, followed by rinsing with clean running water.

Always wash hands after travelling on public transport and avoid touching the face, especially nose or mouth area, until hands have been washed.

Carry hand sanitiser and antibacter­ial wipes for those times when you don’t have access to running water. “Make hand hygiene a priority when travelling and your chances of getting sick will dramatical­ly decrease,” says Dr Letlape.

Tip 2: Use the right cough etiquette

Always cough or sneeze into your elbow or sleeve, not hand or fist.

If using a tissue, discard immediatel­y.

Tip 3: Surface hygiene

Travelling often means staying in hotel rooms which can harbour micro organisms. Disinfect commonly used items like the phone, TV remote and door handles with antibacter­ial wipes.

Tip 4: Eating and drinking while travelling

Always wash your hands with antibacter­ial soap and running water before eating.

Bottled water is generally safest.

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