The Citizen (KZN)

PresidentP­r Zuma: a rocky era for the new SA


President Jacob Zuma delivered his State of the Nation Address (Sona) on Thursday evening as frustratio­n grows over his leadership.

Zuma’s critics accuse him of allowing a small black elite to enrich itself, failing to help the poor, and overseeing national economic decline.

Here are some key dates of his presidency:

April 2009: The ANC wins elections and Zuma becomes president. Shortly before the election, all corruption charges are dropped against him.

July 2010: South Africa hosts a succesful Fifa World Cup, receiving widespread praise as the first African nation to hold the event.

December 2010: Zuma announces a new Aids policy and a national programme to distribute antiretrov­iral drugs. The move is hailed.

August 2012: Police shoot dead 34 striking miners in Marikana, North West, in the worst violence involving the security forces since the end of apartheid. The incident shocked South Africa.

July 2013: Former ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema forms the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in the first major split from the all-powerful ruling party.

December 2013: Zuma is booed in front of a global television audience and world dignitarie­s at the memorial service for Nelson Mandela in Soweto football stadium.

March 2014: South Africa’s top anti-corruption agency issues a damning report into public funds used to upgrade Zuma’s private rural homestead, saying he “benefited unduly” from work that cost more than R200 million.

May 2014: The ANC wins general elections, carrying Zuma into a second term in office. The party records its lowest share since non-racial elections began.

December 2015: Growing concern over South Africa’s economic woes is underlined when Zuma sacks two finance ministers within a few days, triggering a collapse in the rand. – AFP

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