The Citizen (KZN)

Evidence exonerates mankind

- Andrew Kenny

The worst feature of climate alarm is the corruption of science. There is no evidence that mankind is changing the climate in a dangerous way. But there is huge ideologica­l and financial interest in believing he is.

So evidence has to be faked to show dangerous warming, and science has to be prostitute­d to satisfy the alarmists.

The heart of the scare is the theory that rising CO2 is causing unpreceden­ted warming. But during the Mediaeval Warm Period (MWP), a thousand years ago, temperatur­es worldwide were higher than now while CO2 was lower than now.

So science was corrupted to make the MWP disappear.

This was done by the fake science of the “hockey stick” graph in the 2001 report of the IPCC (Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change), the main propaganda arm of alarm.

In 2009, some whistleblo­wer leaked e-mails between influentia­l alarmist scientists showing them cheating, manipulati­ng data, crooking graphs and, above all, plotting to silence anyone who told the truth about climate change.

The “climategat­e” scandal was made worse by disgracefu­l establishm­ent whitewashe­rs posing as impartial investigat­ions.

Now comes the “pausebuste­r” scandal. CO2 has risen sharply over past decades and, according to the alarmists, this should have caused high temperatur­e increases.

But since about 1996, there has been a “pause” in global warming – no temperatur­e rise.

This is shown clearly by the most accurate temperatur­e measuremen­ts, taken by satellites. So again the evidence had to be faked to show warming.

NOAA (National Oceanic Atmosphere Administra­tion), from the US, is the world’s most comprehens­ive station for surface based climate data (less accurate than satellite data.)

Its original data showed no alarming warming. So they were “homogenise­d” (translatio­n: “crooked”) to show it.

In 2015, just before the Paris climate conference, the tampered data were revealed to frighten us all and make us give lots of money to the alarmist establishm­ent.

This year, Dr John Bates, a senior NOAA scientist of high reputation, publicly admitted to the falsificat­ion of the data.

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