The Citizen (KZN)

Forget rules and balances, Africa


Apparently Robert Mugabe, pictured, is planning to solve the hunger pangs of Zimbabwean­s by importing maize from Zambia. Ironically, this is grown by the farmers that he drove off the farms in Zimbabwe.

Meanwhile, the previously productive Zimbabwean agricultur­al industry collapses even further and farms revert to the bush from which they were originally carved.

Story has it that one enterprisi­ng “settler” on the newly acquired farm, not wanting to waste the developmen­t of the land he had obtained, used the centre pivot that previously irrigated the land as the main support for his new home!

The evidence is here that previously productive farms revert to bush, farm equipment is plundered to provide cash and the source of food to feed the nation rapidly declines as more and more productive land is lost. Is this the direction our enlightene­d leaders wish us to go?

Prince Mashele points out in one of his interestin­g articles that we are progressin­g predictabl­y along the path of becoming a true African state where the welfare of the king/chief/induna/president is paramount. If the masses go without food and are unemployed, so be it!

The crumbs that fall from the mighty one’s table are gratefully accepted by the fawning masses.

That apparently is the African way – not this imposed Western concept of rules and balances and the mighty one being answerable to the electorate!

Mike Collins


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