The Citizen (KZN)

JZ’s antics just boggle the mind


It’s down to the wire as Jacob Zuma, pictured, races to his tumultuous career finishing line. His tenure in office, characteri­sed by acrid ramificati­ons – including downgrades to junk status – and his failure to uphold the constituti­on (Constituti­onal Court finding), all these under the NEC’s nose and actions, or lack of, looks set to see its complete tilt.

In the aftermath of widespread protests as a result of his rash Cabinet reshuffle, the motion of no confidence in the president fails yet again in parliament. Eventually, the incorrigib­le and purportedl­y captured JZ, who never ceases to stun, outwits everyone, calms down the fury, and the estimated R1 trillion nuclear deal (and two more shady deals, who knows) goes through.

Just in time before his term as the president of the most cosmopolit­an, developed African country comes to an end. The Guptas get their share. The loot is spread carefully and surreptiti­ously within the select Zuma cabal. The Guptas buy an exquisite island. Before everyone knows it, JZ is whisked away to the island to avoid his much-anticipate­d, inevitable day in court, with more than a dozen cases likely to be brought against him, some with overwhelmi­ng evidence (an accomplice, Shabir Shaik, served a sentence for his part in the crime).

This may sound like a box office blockbuste­r. But that’s how much JZ’s shenanigan­s are capable of stretching one’s imaginatio­n. JZ has destabilis­ed and destroyed Africa’s oldest, revered liberation movement.

Patrick Mphuthi


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