The Citizen (KZN)

ANC stalwarts must be turning in graves


Albert Luthuli must look down and shudder, writes of Witfield.

TMike Collins

he ANC is an amazing group of undiscipli­ned people. They behaved like unruly children at the Tshwane municipal meeting for the mayor’s State of the City address, allegedly because it was being held on the anniversar­y of a struggle hero’s death some 30 years before.

They attended in their droves the memorial for struggle hero Ahmed Kathrada with the specific intent of being disruptive and frankly disrespect­ful, behaving like hooligans.

Had Solomon Mahlangu not been executed, is it possible he would have echoed Kathrada’s sentiments regarding the current parlous state of the ruling party?

How would they have behaved then? Where does the ANC come up with these ill-discipline­d representa­tives?

MK veterans muster in full uniform to “protect” Luthuli House. Does this signify that political parties are now authorised to have their own private armies? Does the ruling party have carte blanche to act as they please?

One would imagine that as the ruling regime, they would behave in a more seemly manner than the EFF does in parliament which they, the ANC, so vociferous­ly condemns.

Then, to commemorat­e the murder of Chris Hani they behave in exemplary fashion. Is it possible that Hani, too, would have been disgusted at where the ANC has sunk to. One can imagine that Albert Luthuli must look down and shudder when he sees the shenanigan­s of “his” ANC.

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