The Citizen (KZN)

Protests fuelling anger and tension


The recent violent protests have struck fear into South Africans and should be condemned in the strongest possible terms. In Coligny, Eldorado Park and Richards Bay and in other parts of the country, there has been huge damage and loss to personal and public property. Such protests are unacceptab­le and leave citizens with a deep sense of anxiety and insecurity.

These protests should serve as a warning to the ruling party, politician­s and political elites to seriously study how the apparent corruption, nepotism, cronyism, political infighting, lack of service delivery, tender-driven fraud and the different unfulfille­d promises made by politician­s to get votes is fuelling anger and tension in the country.

The masses are hungry, unSurely employed, living in miserable conditions and tired of coping with socio-economic difficulti­es.

The protests that we have witnessed are a sign of disappoint­ment and could in the long run affect the stability of South Africa.

If the South African government fails to take heed and doesn’t address the trigger factors, then we are all in for some very challengin­g times.

In order to prevent a rapid breakdown of our country, government needs to act fast on service delivery and boost economic growth.

Citizens can help improve things by holding leaders accountabl­e and pointing out the abuse of systems/structures.

Mohamed Saeed


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