The Citizen (KZN)

In 2019 our roads will be a lot safer for all users


Why should government officials order us out of the way on roads, asks

from Umhlanga.

Derek Krummeck

This weekend it was claimed that taxpayers’ money, siphoned by the Guptas for years, purchased a R230 million mansion for our “honourable” president in Dubai.

It didn’t come as a surprise that his neighbour is good old uncle Bob Mugabe.

Does the SADC or any credible politician not query how these two can afford such mansions, based on the public servant salaries they earn? Mmmmmm ...

On a brighter note, there are good times ahead, guys.

Our roads will be safer come 2019.

With the ANC in self-destruct mode, 2019 elections will probably bring about a DA coalition government. What I’m looking forward to is being able to drive on our freeways without being harassed and pushed off the road by the arrogant and aggressive government motorcades. These consist of eight black Range Rovers transporti­ng ONE president or minister, travelling at 180km/h in the right hand lane, flashing lights to order ALL other vehicles out of the way.

The DA do not believe in taxpayers’ money being used on motorcades and bodyguards so billions will be saved annually and ALL road users, including government officials, will have equal rights.

I still cannot comprehend that these government officials, who are employed with our money to serve US, have the authority and desire to order us out of their way on SA roads.

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