The Citizen (KZN)

‘President’ Sisulu delusional


During the 2014 election campaign Max Du Preez predicted that Agang under the leadership of Dr Mamphela Ramphele would get at least 6% of the vote. Liking someone doesn’t mean that she qualifies for high office. Political popularity does not automatica­lly translate into votes, nor does a following constitute a party political machine. Fallacious­ly he claimed that Ramphele would be a significan­t opposition leader, when soon after the election it imploded into an unholy mess. As a political analyst one wonders how he could get that prediction so wrong.

It is therefore not surprising that in similar vein, Du Preez promotes Minister Lindiwe Sisulu for president. Granted she might be a bit better than Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, but as minister in all her various portfolios she has not covered herself in glory. Failure as a minister barely qualifies her for the presidency.

Her zig-zag ministeria­l trajectory from home affairs, to intelligen­ce, to human settlement­s, to defence, to public service was not without controvers­y and it revealed her many failures across various portfolios. As minister of human settlement­s she faced many challenges of which the N2 Gateway housing project was riddled with controvers­y.

Appointing controvers­ial lawyer Paul Ngobeni as her advisor when she served as minister of defence, showed a serious lack of judgment. The former UCT deputy registrar, who left UCT under a cloud, was also accused of having been disbarred from practising law in the US, where he allegedly faced “criminal charges of fraud, larceny and petty theft”, according to many news reports.

Sisulu was also accused of using military flights for private travel. At one point, Democratic Alliance spokespers­on on defence David Maynier said “Sisulu had become too powerful for her own good, and her demotion to the public service and administra­tion department was welcome news”.

“The minister was fired because, for the past two years, she turned the [defence] department into a state within a state and acted as if she was beyond scrutiny and oversight by parliament.” More curiously she appointed serial offender ANC NEC member Tony Yengeni to the defence review committee. Another of her advisors, Menzi Simelane, was condemned by Judge Yacoob as lacking integrity, credibilit­y and conscienti­ousness.

Imperious and known for defending President Jacob Zuma at a time when it was most inappropri­ate to do so, she dissed the opposition as racist for proposing a vote of no confidence in Zuma. Her venomous darts directed at DA leader Mmusi Maimane were unbecoming of someone of her political pedigree. Of late, her serious disillusio­nment in her former intelligen­ce ally, Zuma, has spurred her on to avail herself for the highest office in the land.

Many pundits believe the ANC is the only party that can govern SA despite its many failures and spectacula­r inability to govern. Sadly, not one person has been able to take the president to task for destroying the economy. Acquiescen­ce has led to political canabalisa­tion so that no one can be trusted to save the party. Not even Sisulu. She nailed her colours to the mast and sadly those colours cannot be erased.

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