The Citizen (KZN)

Taxi operators need to wake up


What does a taxi driver expect when you allow 26 people in a 16-seater minibus which does not even have good brakes?

Taxi operators must think about people’s lives instead of money sometimes. I understand they must be wise about money but the idea of overloadin­g and using unroadwort­hy vehicles is unwise and careless.

I understand you can’t afford to buy new taxis all the time, but please try to service your vehicles regularly because unroadwort­hy taxis are life-threatenin­g.

How long are we, as passengers, going to die or get stranded between cars and trucks on busy highways because of your negligence? Whenever we use taxis we pay full fares but they don’t bother to put the money into their taxis to make them roadworthy.

Taxi owners must wake up because they are stealing the lives of loved ones. We are tired of hearing and reading about horrific accidents caused by taxis on our national roads due to brake failure and reckless driving.

I know getting a taxi serviced is not typically a priority but they forget servicing is very important to help avoid the horrific accidents taking place almost every day across the country.

Buying a taxi is one of the most important investment­s some make, so it is vital for owners to get their taxis serviced regularly to ensure smooth and safe performanc­e.

Miyelani Hlungwani

Mukhomi Village

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