The Citizen (KZN)

Now for the second half!

GRID PENALTIES FOR MECHANICAL PROBLEMS COULD THROW SPANNER IN WORKS Renault is getting its act together regarding the power units in the Red Bulls.

- John Floyd Scuderia Ferrari – 318 Points Red Bull Racing – 184 Points

This week we look at the top three teams at the halfway point in the season. Currently second in the Drivers’ title chase, three times world champion Lewis Hamilton entered the summer break trailing by 14 points.

Sadly, it seems his demonstrat­ion of sportsmans­hip in Hungary was not his best decision.

The three points he gave back to Bottas could possibly cost him the championsh­ip.

Currently on 188 points he has achieved four wins, two seconds, three fourths, one fifth and one seventh, with six pole positions and six quickest laps.

His battle with Vettel is likely to continue with added competitio­n from team-mate Bottas.

Difficulti­es in setting up the W08 have caused him problems.

He has had to push the car to make up for the deficiency, which has resulted in off track excursions.

Valtteri Bottas has certainly demonstrat­ed he was the right choice for the Mercedes team.

On 169 the Finn is just 19 points behind Hamilton and 33 behind leader Vettel, with nine races to go.

With two wins, three seconds, three thirds, one fourth, one sixth and a single DNF due to an engine issue he simply cannot be dismissed.

With two pole positions Bottas has shown he has the pace and has overcome the W08’s idiosyncra­sies more often than Hamilton. Sebastien Vettel has clocked up four wins, four seconds, two fourths and one seventh, plus two pole positions and one fastest lap to give him the lead on 202 points. Ferrari has certainly been the resurgent team so far this season and the SF70H is getting ever closer to the previously dominant Mercedes.

Unfortunat­ely we have seen, or rather heard, another side to the four times world champion recently.

Criticism of officials and other competitor­s with the use of several expletives, plus his incident with Hamilton in Azerbaijan have fired the rivalry between their respective fans and added an element of excitement – good for the sport.

Vettel will not have an easy run to Abu Dhabi as many of the circuits to be used now tend to favour the Mercedes.

But the team is pumped and has found a new dynamism, hopefully the result will be close racing right to the end.

Kimi Raikkonen seems happier with the SF7OH than last year’s SF16-H, and his results reflect this.

His 116 points came via two seconds, two thirds, two fourths, two fifth, one seventh, one 14th and one DNF, one pole position and two quickest laps, but this has not been enough for Chairman Sergio Marchionne.

His comments regarding the Finn are not encouragin­g and certainly is not the way to settle his driver.

Admittedly better results are required to give Ferrari a shot at the constructo­r’s title, but Vettel apparently wants Kimi as his team mate for 2018.

As a former world champion Raikkonen must find playing second fiddle tough, but needs to up his game. It appears that Renault are finally getting their act together regarding the power units.

Certainly the improvemen­t in performanc­e for Red Bull in the last few races suggests this.

Although not able to match the pace of Mercedes and Ferrari on power circuits, the RB13 manages to stay with them on shorter tracks.

The constructo­r’s points are still a long way from the leading pair but a very comfortabl­e 83 ahead of fourth place Force India.

Ever cheerful Daniel Ricciardo and team-mate Max Verstappen have experience­d a fair share of technical problems with the Dutchman having the worst reliabilit­y record.

Ricciardo has accumulate­d 117 points via one first, four thirds, one fourth, two fifths and three DNFs.

It has been a frustratin­g half season for Verstappen with one third, one fourth, four fifths and no fewer than five DNFs.

It is not difficult to see why he has only managed to attain 67 points.

His luck must change and his determined approach will ensure that he grabs every point available for the rest of the season.

So it is business as usual on Sunday when the Spa Francorcha­mps circuit will host the Belgian Grand Prix, to start the second half of the season.

It promises to be one of the best seasons for years, but there is a sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of the main protagonis­ts.

Grid penalties for possible mechanical problems could influence the outcome of the Drivers’ title.

With a maximum of four per season of the component parts listed in the table it looks as though penalties will play a part and eliminate a pure drivers’ title fight.

That would be an absolutely tragedy.

 ??  ?? LEADER. Ferrari’s Sebastien Vettel currently leads this year’s F1 world title chase for Ferrari, but that could change.
LEADER. Ferrari’s Sebastien Vettel currently leads this year’s F1 world title chase for Ferrari, but that could change.
 ??  ?? SETTLED IN. Valtteri Bottas has grabbed his Mercedes drive with verve and talent, causing Lewis Hamilton some worries.
SETTLED IN. Valtteri Bottas has grabbed his Mercedes drive with verve and talent, causing Lewis Hamilton some worries.

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