The Citizen (KZN)

Ask the doctor

- Dear Doctor I keep hearing a ringing sound in my ear. When I had my ears tested I was told there is nothing of concern. I hear the sound especially when I have tension headaches. What could be the cause and how do I fix it? Dear Doctor My baby is teething

Tinnitus (noise in ears) can be caused by a variety of factors. Most often, tinnitus is caused by repeated exposure to excessive loud noise. Some days your tinnitus may be worse than other days. That could be because you are tired or stressed. Smoking, drinking alcohol or taking antibiotic­s or too much aspirin can also cause your tinnitus to flare up. High blood pressure can increase tinnitus symptoms, so get that checked as well. Some people report improvemen­t if they eliminate coffee, dark tea, cola and energy drinks that contain caffeine. I am sorry because I know teething is a painful process for both mom and baby. However, not all irritabili­ty is teething. Please first make sure that if your baby has persistent fever, appears ill or suffers from any symptoms more severe than crankiness, drooling and biting, that the doctor examines her to rule out something more serious, like an ear infection. If it’s just teething, offer your baby a chilled (not frozen) plastic teething ring and check it every day to make sure she hasn’t bitten through. Some experts recommend freezing a banana, cutting off a small slice, and wrapping it in a washcloth. They say the cold helps numb the gums and ease the pain, and the hardness helps break down the gum tissue. Try these out and let me know. There are many skin conditions that cause dry scabs that itch. Scratching can cause secondary bacterial infections that can make the scabs worse and unsightly. Common causes are allergic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis usually linked to dandruff from the head, psoriasis and other fungal dermatitid­es. Changing your soap will only help if he is allergic to it. My advice is to consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

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