The Citizen (KZN)

Pupils rule roost in public schools


So the Gauteng MEC for education Panyaza Lesufi, pictured, is putting the onus on parents to instil discipline in their children, thus passing the buck for the failing discipline, or complete lack of discipline in public schools, where pupils are allowed to rule the roost.

An example pants issue.

It is a sad state of affairs when police are called in to help invigilate exams, to restore law and order after pupil violence, to conduct searches for guns, knives and drugs, and spend their valuable time controllin­g parents.

We have an education system where teachers are always the culprits and pupils the victims.

In many cases, pupils have no desire to learn.

In my 35 years in education is the skinny and over 20 years as a principal, we had the odd case of bullying that was immediatel­y nipped in the bud. There were a few minor altercatio­ns that were more handbags at five paces than serious.

Police were only called in when there was a burglary.

Discipline was strict, codes of conduct and dress codes adhered to by pupils.

Respect, good manners and moral and ethical values were the norm. Teaching was a pleasure, and teachers went the extra mile to help struggling pupils.

Today many schools have become hotbeds of violence, sexual abuse, gang wars, verbal and physical abuse, and parental and union interferen­ce, where a lame duck government has not got the capacity nor the will to stamp out the lawlessnes­s, and disrespect.


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