The Citizen (KZN)

Parties sink DA ‘opportunis­m’


A motion by the Democratic Alliance to dissolve parliament was defeated by an overwhelmi­ng majority yesterday, with other opposition parties describing the attempt at early general elections as “opportunis­tic” and “grandstand­ing”.

Put to a vote, the motion saw only 83 MPs vote in favour, with 229 against and seven abstention­s.

Introducin­g the motion, DA chief whip John Steenhuise­n said “madness” had beset the ruling party under the rule of President Jacob Zuma.

“This parliament should be the front line of defence for the people of South Africa. Instead at every twist, test and turn, it has chosen president over people, party over principle, executive over example, and collusion over our constituti­on.

“On the back of Nkandla, the State of Capture report, the 783 charges of fraud, corruption and racketeeri­ng. Despite his picking off of the good men and women in your party, one by one. Despite his driving away excellence and inducting incompeten­ce,” said Steenhuise­n.

“The ANC had an opportunit­y to do right by the people and our constituti­on and stop the madness, but now you have become it.”

ANC MP Richard Mdakane described the motion as “bizarre” and another attempt by the DA to grandstand and attempt to “grab power undemocrat­ically”.

“Support for this motion will amount to disrespect­ing the will of our masses who voted for the ANC,” he said, noting the DA had “only won over 22% of the vote in 2014”.

He added: “The ANC is mandated by 62% of South Africans to serve this country.”

The Economic Freedom Fighters, the Inkatha Freedom Party, the National Freedom Party, the United Democratic Movement, the Freedom Front Plus and the African Christian Democratic Party described the DA’s motion as irrational and opportunis­tic, saying although they agree that under Zuma the country has suffered, dissolving parliament was not the answer.

EFF deputy leader Floyd Shivambu appealed to the DA to let the ruling party “destroy itself”.

“They would have finished each other once they arrived at the national conference,” referring to the December conference which will elect a new ANC leadership.

IFP MP Narend Singh said the motion would lead to a hung National Assembly and was akin to “cutting off our noses to spite our faces”.–

Support for this motion will amount to disrespect­ing the will of our masses. Richard Mdakane ANC MP

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