The Citizen (KZN)

Voices in head – the answer

- Paris

– Scientists have pinpointed a part of the brain where “voices” torment schizophre­nia sufferers, and partially muted them with magnetic pulse treatment, a team reported yesterday.

More than a third of sufferers treated with magnetic pulses in a patient trial experience­d “significan­t” relief, the scientists said.

“We can now say with some certainty that we have found a specific anatomical area of the brain associated with auditory verbal hallucinat­ions in schizophre­nia,” the team said.

“Secondly, we have shown that treatment with high frequency TMS (transcrani­al magnetic stimulatio­n) makes a difference to at least some sufferers.”

Further research must be done to confirm the usefulness of TMS as a treatment in the longer term.

The results of the trial, not yet published in a scientific journal, were presented in Paris at a conference of the European College of Neuropsych­opharmacol­ogy.

The trial compared 26 schizophre­nic patients who received active TMS to 33 patients who received dummy treatment.

“Hearing voices” can be one of the most disturbing symptoms for people with schizophre­nia.

According to the World Health Organisati­on, schizophre­nia affects more than 21 million people. – AFP

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