The Citizen (KZN)

Ask the doctor


Dear Doctor I have flu and don’t understand why because it’s spring. Why do I always get the flu in spring?

Answer: Good day, you can get flu any time of the year, as long as you are exposed to the virus. It also depends on where you live. But the symptoms could also be related to allergic rhinitis which is mostly related to spring season.

Also, other more serious viral infections can present as flu in the beginning. Please see your doctor to be sure that all you are dealing with is the flu. Dear Doctor What is the cause of pink eye? My son keeps coming back from creche with red eyes. How do I fix this ?

Answer: Good day, pink eye or conjuctivi­tis can be cause by bacterial or viral infections, but it could also be an allergic reaction.

Do your son’s eyes have a white discharge or is there tearing involved? He could also be exposed to other kids with the same condition at creche as it can be contagious.

Please do not try fix it yourself. Consult a doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. Dear Doctor Is it always necessary to operate and remove cysts in the uterus? I’ve been told I have two and I might need surgery but I’m not keen. What is the alternativ­e?

Answer: Hi, it depends on the cause and size of the cysts. Some can be due to normal hormonal changes. Overweight women also tend to have cysts which go when they lose weight. Please see a gynaecolog­ist.

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