The Citizen (KZN)

Dr Dulcy deals with diabetes

COMMON: ABOUT ONE MILLION NEW CASES ARE DIAGNOSED EACH YEAR WORLDWIDE There are three major types of the disease and all have something in common.


It has been estimated that about 66% of adults with diabetes do not know they have diabetes. Currently there is 5% of South Africans that are diabetic, that is 2.5 million people.

About one million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed each year worldwide and diabetes is the direct or indirect cause of at least 200 000 deaths each year.

The incidences of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are increasing rapidly.

This is due to many factors, but the most significan­t reasons for type 2 diabetes are the increasing incidence of obesity associated with sedentary lifestyles.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic or lifelong condition that affects your body’s ability to use the energy found in food.

There are three major types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, type 2, and gestationa­l diabetes.

All types of diabetes mellitus have something in common.

Normally, your body breaks down the sugars and carbohydra­tes you eat into a special sugar called glucose. Glucose fuels the cells in your body.

But the cells need insulin, a hormone, in your bloodstrea­m in order to take in the glucose and use it for energy.

With diabetes mellitus, either your body doesn’t make enough insulin or it can’t use the insulin it does produce, or a combinatio­n of both.

Since the cells can’t take in the glucose, it then builds up in your blood.

TYPES OF DIABETES Type 1 diabetes

The body stops producing insulin or produces too little insulin to regulate blood glucose levels. This type affects about 5% of all people with diabetes. It is typically diagnosed during childhood or adolescenc­e. It used to be referred to as juvenile-onset diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. This insulin deficiency can also occur in adulthood due to destructio­n of the pancreas by alcohol, disease, or removal by surgery. Type 1 diabetes also results from progressiv­e failure of the pancreatic beta cells, the only cell type that produces significan­t amounts of insulin. People with type 1 diabetes require daily insulin injections to sustain life.

Type 2 diabetes

Although the pancreas still secretes insulin, the body of someone with type 2 diabetes is partially or completely incapable of responding to insulin. This is often referred to as insulin resistance.

The pancreas tries to overcome this resistance by secreting more and more insulin. People with insulin resistance develop type 2 diabetes when they fail to secrete enough insulin to cope with their body’s demands.

It is typically diagnosed during adulthood, usually after the age of 45. It was once called adult-onset diabetes mellitus, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

These names are no longer used because type 2 diabetes does occur in young people, even children, and some people with type 2 diabetes require insulin therapy.

Type 2 diabetes is usually controlled with diet, weight loss, exercise, and/or oral medication­s.

However, more than half of all people with type 2 diabetes will require insulin to control their blood sugar levels at some point during the course of their illness if they do not respond to lifestyle changes and/or oral medication.

Gestationa­l diabetes

This form of diabetes occurs during the second half of pregnancy.

Although gestationa­l diabetes typically resolves after delivery of a baby, a woman who develops gestationa­l diabetes is more likely than other women to develop type 2 diabetes later in life.

Women with gestationa­l diabetes are more likely to have large babies.


This is quite a common condition related to diabetes. In people with prediabete­s, the blood sugar level is higher than normal but not yet high enough to be considered diagnostic of diabetes.

Prediabete­s increases a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, or stroke.

Prediabete­s can typically be reversed (without insulin or

medication) by lifestyle changes, such as losing a modest amount of weight and increasing physical activity levels.

Weight loss can prevent, or at least delay, the onset of type 2 diabetes. Approximat­ely 20% more adults are now believed to have this condition and may develop diabetes within 10 years.


Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease.

The body’s immune system specifical­ly attacks the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.

A predisposi­tion to develop type 1 diabetes may run in families, but genetic causes (a positive family history) are much more common for type 2 diabetes.

Environmen­tal factors, including common and unavoidabl­e viral infections, may also contribute to type 1 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is slightly more common in men than in women.


Type 2 diabetes has strong genetic links, so type 2 diabetes tends to run in families. Several genes have been linked to type 2 diabetes, and many are under study related to type 2 diabetes. However, lifestyle plays a major role in type 2 diabetes and the following are the risk factors: High blood pressure. High triglyceri­de (fat) levels in the blood. Gestationa­l diabetes or giving birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds. High sugar and carbohydra­te diet. High alcohol intake. Sedentary lifestyle. Obesity or being overweight Family history, particular­ly when a close relative had type 2 diabetes or gestationa­l diabetes. Aging: Increasing age is a significan­t risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Risk begins to rise significan­tly at about the age of 45.


Type 1 diabetes is usually recognized in childhood or early adolescenc­e, often in associatio­n with an injury or illness (such as a virus or urinary tract infection).

The extra stress can cause diabetic ketoacidos­is (DKA). Symptoms of ketoacidos­is include nausea and vomiting. Dehydratio­n and often-serious disturbanc­es in blood levels of potassium and other factors follow. Without treatment, ketoacidos­is can lead to coma and death.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes are often subtle and may be attributed to aging or obesity. A person may have type 2 diabetes for many years without knowing


Type 2 diabetes can be precipitat­ed by steroids and stress. If not properly treated, type 2 diabetes can lead to complicati­ons such as blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, and nerve damage.

Common symptoms of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes include:

Fatigue, or feeling constantly tired: In diabetes, the body is inefficien­t and sometimes unable to use glucose for fuel.

The body switches over to metabolisi­ng fat, partially or completely, as a fuel source. This process requires the body to use more energy. The end result is feeling fatigued or constantly tired.

Unexplaine­d weight loss: People with diabetes are unable to process many of the calories in the foods they eat. Thus, they may lose weight even though they eat an apparently appropriat­e or even an excessive amount of food.

Losing sugar and water in the urine and the accompanyi­ng dehydratio­n also contribute­s to weight loss.

Excessive thirst (polydipsia): A person with diabetes develops high blood sugar levels, which overwhelms the kidney’s ability to reabsorb the sugar as the blood is filtered to make urine.

Excessive urine is made as the kidney spills the excess sugar. The body tries to counteract this by sending a signal to the brain to dilute the blood, which translates into thirst.

The body encourages more water consumptio­n to dilute the high blood sugar back to normal levels and to compensate for the water lost by excessive urination.

Excessive urination (polyuria): Another way the body tries to rid itself of the extra sugar in the blood is to excrete it in the urine. This can also lead to dehydratio­n because a large amount of water is necessary to excrete the sugar.

Excessive eating (polyphagia): If the body is able, it will secrete more insulin in order to try to manage the excessive blood sugar levels.

With type 2 diabetes, the body resists the action of insulin. One function of insulin is to stimulate hunger. Therefore, higher insulin levels lead to increased hunger.

Despite eating more, the diabetic person may gain very little weight and may even lose weight.

Poor wound healing: High blood sugar levels prevent white blood cells, which are important in defending the body against bacteria and also in cleaning up dead tissue and cells, from functionin­g normally.

When these cells do not function properly, wounds take longer to heal and become infected more frequently. Long-standing diabetes also is associated with thickening of blood vessels, which prevents good circulatio­n, including the delivery of enough oxygen and other nutrients to body tissues.

Infections: Certain infec- tions such as frequent yeast infections of the genitals, dental infections, skin infections, and frequent urinary tract infections may result from suppressio­n of the immune system by diabetes and by the presence of glucose in the tissues, which allows bacteria to grow.

Altered mental status: Agitation, unexplaine­d irritabili­ty, inattentio­n, extreme lethargy, or confusion can all be signs of very high blood sugar, ketoacidos­is or hypoglycem­ia (low sugar).

Thus, any of these in a diabetic patient merit the immediate assessment of blood glucose. Visit your medical profession­al ASAP if you experience any of these symptoms.

Blurry vision: Blurry vision is not specific for diabetes but is frequently present with high blood sugar levels.

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 ??  ?? PREVENTION. A healthy lifestyle and good diet can help prevent diabetes.
PREVENTION. A healthy lifestyle and good diet can help prevent diabetes.
 ??  ?? EDUCATION. Learning about diabetes is important.
EDUCATION. Learning about diabetes is important.

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