The Citizen (KZN)

Department must stop taxi violence


We, as the residents of Tembisa, would like to tell the department of transport to help us. Taxi drivers are being beaten by so-called thugs for picking us up from Plaza and Phomolong.

Our associatio­n is doing nothing about it. Too many people get injured there, so please come and help us.

M Molapo

Is it a free-for-all out there by men? What are our children taught in the home and at school these days? It seems that respect and privacy are definitely not at the top of the agenda.

I say that any man that invades a woman’s space without consent must rot in jail.


Montana Park elocution lessons, as they try to con the few intelligen­t viewers who do tune in.

The coup de grace was the interview with President Jacob Zuma, as he was treated with kid gloves, emasculati­ng the hapless interviewe­r.

Please do not remove ANN7, as it can teach television trainees as to how not to do things.

This slave auction thing in Libya. Don’t those poor humans want to get back to civilisati­on? If “the president is considerin­g the matter” of Bongo, it will be swept under the carpet! Too dangerous for him to allow it. Mr Zuma, do you still not realise what a tremendous boost to the economy will take place if you were to step down? The jubilation of the nation will be awesome.

Peter Bachtis

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