The Citizen (KZN)

Don’t be a swine if you’re watching your waistline


There are just 23 days left before Christmas and this month marks one of the biggest festive seasons of the year. With festive seasons in general comes overindulg­ence and this is one of the biggest complaints that people have about entering the new year. We are guilty of consuming a lot more than we can burn off, and in our defence the environmen­t also plays its part in sabotaging your waist lines.

When placed in certain environmen­ts, for fear of being outcasted, people adapt to fit in. If you can reflect back to the old days when you visited your granny and grandpa, their sole purpose in life was to love you, shower you with kisses and give you lots of delicious food and sweeties. Festive times is like a long vacation with your grandparen­ts and sooner or later you will have to start loosening another belt buckle hole. The festive environmen­t is set up to make you fat and very few people come out of this time leaner and meaner.

If the environmen­t is the cause, should you just phone Santa and ask him to cancel Christmas? Please don’t do that since I am sure he is busy wrapping the new mountain bike on my wish list. Okay, so because of the logistical problems canceling Christmas will bring, you need to find a radical approach for containing the waste line.

Please make sure that you consult a doctor at the start of the festive season for your annual health check and the green pass to allow you to exercise. Workout hard, be safe and have an awesome festive season.

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