The Citizen (KZN)

Leave spies to do their proper jobs


Whether one believes it or not, the allegation by Israeli intelligen­ce agencies that SA is a fertile recruiting ground for spies, cannot be dismissed out of hand. For some time now, there have been concerns that our country has become a “safe haven” for those with nefarious internatio­nal agendas. As far back as 2007, it was revealed that some of the terrorists who bombed the London Tube network were travelling on false South African passports. Other people wanted for their alleged terror connection­s have also passed through this country.

It needs to be pointed out that there certainly is no official policy by the SA government to offer shelter to any individual or group which advocates violence or terror to bring about any objective in another country. On the contrary, when it comes to foreign affairs, Pretoria has been scrupulous in not trying to take sides.

It is obviously not only in the interests of our internatio­nal image that we continue to be seen as the independen­t, principled nation we were in the days of Nelson Mandela, but it is also in the interests of the safety and security of our own citizens to do this.

Major powers who believe their security is threatened have no respect for internatio­nal borders when it comes to protecting themselves … and they care little for the collateral damage which could occur if they launch military action in a country perceived to be harbouring their enemies.

It is disturbing then that a security expert believes our intelligen­ce and security agencies are, effectivel­y, not securing the country against external threats because they are so busy being employed in political tussles in the country.

Abuse of these skilled assets and equipment is not only corrupt, it also threatens our very safety as citizens.

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