The Citizen (KZN)

Time to stop delaying game

IT’S NEVER ‘THE RIGHT TIME’ With perpetual postponeme­nt, before you know it the year will be over and you won’t have lifted a finger towards your plans.


late at the office, but when the time came to start, a million-and-one reasons came to mind as to why we shouldn’t and we justified postponeme­nt?

If you are going to succeed in anything this year you must find a cure to your procrastin­ation. And I say “your procrastin­ation” because everyone has different reasons why they procrastin­ate.

For some it’s fear of failure, doubt, or uncertaint­y; to others it’s a lack of confidence and to some its plain laziness. But the biggest reason usually is because it’s not the right time; we are obsessed about timing – as if the planets are aligning themselves for our cause. The truth is there is never the right time; you must jump in head first and see what happens.

There are a plethora of reasons why people procrastin­ate, but if you are to succeed you must identify what causes you to procrastin­ate, then deal with it in order for you move on to implementi­ng your ideas.

Procrastin­ation has many downfalls, chief among them being it stops you from pursuing your dreams. But what about time? We all know the saying “time waits for no man” and I don’t think there is anything that eats up time more than procrastin­ation. The perpetual postponeme­nt causes time to pass by and before you know it the year will be over and you won’t have lifted a finger towards your plans.

There is nothing worse than regret and procrastin­ation plants the seeds for regret. Therefore, stop procrastin­ating and start now before it’s too late and you regret never starting at all.

Munya Duvera (duvera@Duveraelgr­oup. is the founder of the Duvera ELGroup.

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